Accessories & Parts
We have a lot of items in stock to complement your desktop computer or laptop. We obviously can't list them all, but below is a few of the popular items that we sell.
Cables - Ethernet, USB, Printer, Video, Data, Power, AC Adapters.....
Monitors - 20" LCD, 22" LCD, 24" LCD, 32" LCD, Curved.....
Hard Drives - 3.5" SATA, 2.5" SATA, 2.5" SSD SATA, External HD, DVDRW, USB Flash......
Add-In Cards - Video, Audio, USB, Firewire, Ethernet, Wireless......
Power - Power Supplies, UPS Battery Backups, Case Fans......
Input - USB or Wirelss Keyboard, USB or Wireless Mouse, Trackball......
Networking - Routers, Switches, Ethernet Adapters, Wireless Adapters.....
In addition, there are lots of other items in stock. If you are looking for something particular, please give a call at 618-252-0914.